Saturday, January 16, 2010

Done in extreme boredness

Questions copied from All About Me in Facebook.

The Favorites
Favorite color: Grey. But it changes too often...
Favorite car: Volkswagen Beetle.
Favorite movie:
Favorite hobby: Currently NDS-ing. It changes often too...
Favorite song/singer: I'm a Loner -- CN Blue
Favorite book/author: The Lovely Bones -- Alice Sebold (Chiayi, read this.)
Favorite school subject: English.
Favorite vacation destination: Korea.
Favorite food restaurant: Food and Tea.
Favorite animal: Dogs.
Favorite celebrity: SHINee.
Favorite childhood friend: I only remember Emaine and Ejiat. XD
Favorite childhood memory: The one where I was told a tree would grow on my head when I had swallowed an apple seed. I really did believe it back then. T-T
Favorite baby name: Aiden.
Favorite person in your life: Mom.
Favorite possession: My laptop.
Favorite mall store: Gurney Plaza.
Favorite fast food restaurant: McDonalds. Not like we have much choice...
Favorite holiday: Perth -- December 2003
Favorite number: 9.
Favorite hard candy: Mentos.
Favorite month: April.
Favorite flower: What do you call 满天星?
Favorite ice cream:Baskin Robbins Cookies and Cream
Favorite smell: What?!
Favorite drink: Milo.
Favorite cartoon character: Doraemon. :P

First surgery: Getting my chin stitched up when I fell down in the bathroom when I was 4.
First piercing: 11, on the ears.
First best friend: Beatrice I think...
First sport you joined: Ping Pong. I was forced to. :/
First pet: Nelson, a big white dog who gave me piggybacks when I was a baby.
First vacation: Genting, with my family when I was 6.
First concert: None yet. I'm HOPING for it to be Super Show. XP
First crush:
First memory: Cried myself awake when I was really young. I don't know why I cried though. I dreamt of rainbows.
First person you had a fight with: I'm guessing my sister.
First time you rode a bike: 5. On a tricycle.
First car: None yet.
First movie you saw: I don't remember... The only thing I remember watching on TV is the X Files, which scared me to death.
First time you were afraid: When I was drowning in the pool once.
First song you remember listening to: Lullabies I guess. Don't remember which one though.
First thing you'd do with 5 million dollars: Make my family's life easier.

This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Big Mac or Whopper: Big Mac
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Beer or Wine: Neither
Coffee or Tea: Depends on the occasion, and my mood.
Apple Juice or Orange Juice: Apple Juice. I must be the only person on earth who hates oranges.
Facebook or Myspace: Facebook.
Summer or Winter: Winter. Not like we get to choose.
Windows or Mac: Windows.
Cats or Dogs: Dogs.
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers.
Rain or Shine: Shine
Chips or Popcorn: Chips
Salty or Sweet: Sweet
Plane or Boat: Plane
Morning or Night: Morning.
Movie or Play: Movie
Walk or Drive: Depends on the distance. And the people I'm with.
Money or Love: I would say love, but money is too much to pass by... :P
Breakfast or Dinner: Breakfast
Forgiveness or Revenge: Forgiveness
Paint or Wallpaper: Wallpaper
House or Apartment: Apartment. Easier to clean. XD
Truth or Dare: Truth. Definitely.
Contacts or Glasses: Contacts
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: Root Beer. We don't even have Dr. Pepper here.
Silver or Gold: Silver
Diamond or Pearl: Diamond
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunrise
Phone or In Person: In Person
Oldest, Middle, Youngest or Only Child: Youngest, though I am the eldest IRL...
Indoors or Outdoors: Indoors.

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